London looks to June 10th

London Green Party Members will be out in force at the seaside for this year’s Green Party Spring Conference at Hove Town Hall.

The Green Party will be unveiling its new look, ‘Green Party – the party of real progress’, designed especially for the June elections.

Research has shown that Green Party policies are more popular than ever and the real progress theme seeks to build on Greens’ success.

Darren Johnson, Leader of the Greens in the London Assembly and Green Party mayoral candidate said, “At this conference the Green Party is preparing to defend seats in the London Assembly and the European Parliament for the first time.

We are confident that we can not only hold on to existing seats but make significant gains. Greens have shown that they are principled and pragmatic politicians and can get things done.

I know that having Greens on the London Assembly has made a real difference to people’s lives and the more Greens that are elected, the more Green policies can be enacted.”

Jenny Jones, Green Party Assembly Member and Deputy Mayor of London will be joining fellow Greens in Brighton and Hove following her lunch with the Queen as one of the UK’s leading women of achievement.

She said, “Greens are making a real difference. As Road Safety Ambassador for London and a member of the Metropolitan Police Authority, I am working hard to reduce traffic accidents and make London’s streets safer for its residents.”

Jean Lambert, Green MEP for London has taken a special interest in pensions and asylum issues. She will be addressing Age Concern’s annual conference and has constantly spoken out against those who put forward an agenda based on curtailing the rights of those from ethnic communities.

She said "It is really important that all who are committed to a society based on diversity and equality use their vote positively on June 10th in the London and European elections.

London Greens will be previewing their new ‘rap’ compact disc produced by Charles Bailey to conference goes.

Darren Johnson concluded, “Apathy from young voters is a real problem in this country. We hope that by producing a ‘rap’ compact disc, we can reach those young people who should be exercising their right to choose the politicians they want to represent them.”


A full list of candidates is available from Penny Kemp, Press Officer for London Green Party 07711 760692

The elections for the London Assembly and the European Parliament elections will be held on 10th June 2004. The Mayoral elections will also be held on the 10th June.

At the last Assembly elections the Greens scored one of their best ever results in the Party’s history, securing 11.1% of the vote across London and winning three seats on the 25-member Assembly.

Darren Johnson’s vision for a sustainable Green London can be found on his website


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