Green Assembly candidate Judy Maciejowska to visit Save The World Club

She will be shown examples of the work this award winning charity does by organizers Bernadette Vallely and Des Kay.

Judy is particularly interested in their work with angry and confused youngsters, who want to take out their frustration on the community.

She will be viewing Save the World Club’s work transforming blighted areas into beautiful mosaics, both under the Railway Bridge and Elm Road playground.

Judy said, "This kind of project is practical and positive and deserves to be reproduced in other Boroughs. Too many people complain about vandalism but don’t offer solutions.

Here is an example of how to tackle a problem that is widespread all over the country. We must provide the youth of today facilities where they feel they have real input. I have nothing but admiration for the work of Save The World Club."

Last year the Save the World Club won an award as one of the United Kingdom’s leading new charities. Bernadette Vallely herself was a winner of a Golden Globe Award.

Judy Maciejowska continued, "I have long been an admirer of the work of Kingston Greens and associated environmental groups.

Kingston Green Fair has a reputation, which extends well beyond the Borough, for showing people that environmental awareness is crucial if we are to achieve our goals of making the world a better place for generations to come."

Judy concluded, "The Save the World Club initiative shows what can be done by committed people who have initiative and a determination to get things done."

Bernadette Vallely said, "I am delighted that our Green Assembly candidate has taken such an interest in our work."


The elections for the London Assembly and the European Parliament elections will be held on 10th June 2004. The Mayoral elections will also be held on the 10th June. At the last Assembly elections the Greens scored one of their best ever results in the Party’s history, securing 11.1% of the vote across London and winning three seats on the 25-member Assembly.

Judy Maciejowska from Richmond has been chosen as the Green Party Assembly Candidate for the South West constituency. Judy is a long standing Green Party activist and has stood for election at all levels. She is a former National Chair of the Green Party of England and Wales.

Darren Johnson’s vision for a sustainable Green London can be found on his websit


Further information and interviews contact Penny Kemp 07711 760692

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