Do not destroy this precious wildlife site – Greens appeal to Thames-side company

Green Party London Assembly Member, Noel Lynch, has written an open letter to Tilfen Land Ltd – owner and developer of Southmere Green, Erith Marshes.

Noel is urging the company to cancel its plans for this business park and, instead, act decisively to protect forever, this rare grazing marsh land from any further building development.

The letter says, "There is still time for Tilfen to draw back from development at Southmere Green. Even at this late stage I hope your company will recognize the critical importance of protecting the remaining grazing marsh from all further building development, and consider relocating the business park scheme elsewhere."

The letter, to the Chairman (William McKee, CBE) and M anaging Director (David Novi), warns that Tilfen’s reputation for environmental excellence and commitment to the local Thamesmead community could be destroyed if it proceeds with the development.

Noel Lynch has written simultaneously to Mayor Ken Livingstone calling on him to set up a meeting to help find an alternative location from the many brownfield sites in the locality, for the business park.

The letter also calls on the Mayor to give environmental and community groups the opportunity to present their alternative plans for the future of Southmere Green.

"The Mayor wrings his hands and says he has done his best. But so long as the business park has not been built, and the grazing marsh destroyed, it can be prevented. The Mayor must use his influence to get people round the table to find a new approach and save these magical marshes," declared Noel.


1. The letters to Tilfen and the Mayor were sent on 3 March. They
followed the Mayor’s written responses to formal questions tabled by Noel Lynch at London Assembly meeting held on 25 February, 2004.

2. Tilfen Land was recently granted planning permission to build an
industrial business park (providing 600,000 sq ft of commercial space) in the middle of Southmere Green, Erith Marshes. The 67 acres of land in South East London is rare remaining Thames side grazing marsh, a priority habitat under the UK biodiversity Plan. The development site is an island of unprotected land in the middle of a large area of Metropoliltan Open Land which is also a Site of Metropolitan Importance for Nature Conservation. The GLA Biodiversity Team consider the development land to be of equal quality for biodiversity as the surrounding protected land.

A survey in January 2004, by Green London Assembly members, identified 16 alternative brownfield sites in need of reuse in the vicinity.

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