Fresh food by truckload for East Londoners

Food access projects in housing estates are mushrooming across the capital.

Jenny Jones, Green Party London Assembly Member and recently appointed Chair of London Food, will launch an innovative scheme to supply fresh food to housing estate residents in East London.

Jenny Jones, who is the Deputy Mayor of London said, “This wandering shop is a revolutionary idea and I would like to see many more across the capital.

It is tragic that many people in housing estates can’t get to shops selling fresh produce and have to rely on unhealthy, processed and snack foods. It is appalling that up to 30% of East End children do not eat breakfast.

We are bombarded with news stories about poor diets and obesity rather than add their voices to this lament, I urge politicians to support initiatives such as this which not only bring fresh and health food, but also help regenerate a deprived area.”

On Friday 27 February, Jenny will launch the Mobile Food Store, which will supply residents in the Cranberry Lane Estate, Newham.

Labelled as a ‘food desert’, the Cranberry Lane Estate has very little in the way of fresh food shops, yet the area is one of the most densely populated for children under 10 years old.

Following years of campaigning residents can finally access fresh fruit and vegetables through the Mobile Food Store.

As well as selling fresh produce, the Luton-style truck will also stock other essential provisions such as fresh milk, baby food and nappies.

Straight after the launch, Jenny will visit a food co-op at the nearby Star School. Jenny will discuss with the headteacher links between bad nutrition and children’s poor concentration, attainment and behaviour in school.

In the run-up to a landmark conference on the issue, Jenny Jones has visited a number of food access schemes across the capital. Jenny will be hosting ‘Food access and social housing in London’ on 5 March 2004, the conference will look at ways to start, run and sustain food access in social housing in London.


The Mobile Food Store project is led by Community Food Enterprise Limited (CFE), as social enterprise set up by local residents. CFE is part of the East London Food Futures Project, a joint venture between five East London boroughs.

Jenny Jones’s ‘Food Access’ itinerary includes visits to:
– Asian Cooking Club, Greenwich
– Wolsely’s Junior School Breakfast Club
– Roger Ascham Primary School Healthy Tuck Shop
– Volunteer run food coop, Ferrier Estate, Greenwich


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