Green Jenny Jones welcomes High Court decision against police

The High Court agreed that the police acted illegally in detaining the protestors who were traveling to RAF Fairford to attend a lawful demonstration against the war in Iraq.

The police operation involved imprisoning the protestors on three coaches and escorting them 100 miles back to London. The protestors were awarded costs.

Jenny Jones commented afterwards, ?We have been arguing for several years that it is illegal for the police to detain people without arresting them. This judgment vindicates that view. These protestors were opposing the aggression on Iraq, which was probably illegal itself."

"Although the Met police were only assisting Gloucestershire Constabulary with the operation, I will be raising the issue at a forthcoming MPA meeting and seeking an assurance from the Commissioner Sir John Stevens that this sort illegal operation will not be repeated at demonstrations here in London. People have a right to demonstrate and the police should protect this right."

Jenny Jones is our candidate for London Mayor 2012. For more information on her campaign, please visit


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