Jenny Jones takes UK government to court over Stratford

The Stratford City development is included in evidence passed to the European Commission asking them to prosecute the UK government for breaking EU laws on air quality.

Greens are concerned that the 11,089 parking spaces included will worsen air quality, as it will encorage people to drive there rather than use public transport.

Air quality measurements made at a site in Newham have already exceeded European union limits .

?It?s not much to ask that Londoners have clean air to breathe,? said Jenny.

?It?s hardly a luxury, and it?s hardly something we can do without. Yet London?s air is among the dirtiest and most unhealthy in the country. So the EU is rightly trying to get countries to clean it up, but the British Government is allowing developments to go ahead which will just make things worse," she continued.

Two thirds of London?s boroughs have already been declared areas for urgent action to improve air quality, including the site of the Business Park.

According to Jenny Jones, the UK government is breaking EU law by allowing new developments with thousands of additional parking spaces and inadequate insulation and energy systems, which will make air quality even worse.

London?s poor air quality has been linked with increasing asthma in children and other breathing difficulties.

The EU Air Quality Directive requires governments to improve air quality by introducing measures to ensure various pollutant levels comply with international limits. The limits are to be gradually introduced from 2005, but in the meantime governments must implement plans to improve air quality to ensure compliance by the due dates.

Jenny?s complaint to the Commission says that by allowing developments such as Stratford City, the government is wilfully ignoring the requirements of the Directive.

?Reducing pollution when we?re designing buildings is far easier than trying to make changes later. Yet despite this, we have huge developments right across London which will make air in the city even worse. This is clearly illegal under EU law, and I am asking the European Commission to prosecute the UK government.

Jenny Jones is our candidate for London Mayor 2012. For more information on her campaign, please visit


Copies of the letter to the EC are available from: Nana-Serwa Mancell, Senior Press Officer, Green Party Group, London Assembly telephone: 020 7983 4964 mobile: 07810 156 886 e-mail:



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