Does the government plan to poison us with GM crops?

"We are outraged that the Government has decided to go bullishly ahead with GM, trampling over people’s well-voiced concerns and paying little heed to the hidden hazards," said Noel Lynch, Green Party member in the London Assembly who is hosting the debate.

Amongst those that will be speaking at the event are Dr Arpad Pusztai, the scientist who caused controversy with his research into the links between GM potatoes and cancer.

Also speaking is Dr Mae-Wan Ho, Director of Science in Society and one of the leading lights the anti-GM movement.

‘When we have scientists of this calibre prepared to say that the evidence has done against GM we have to try and make the government listen before they make a potentially disastrous decision’ said Noel.


The conference will be held at City Hall on Monday the 19th January 2003 between 2pm and 4pm.

Other speakers include:

Prof Peter Saunders (Kings College, London)

Dr Vyvyan Howard (University of Liverpool)

Dr Eva Novotny (Scientists for Global Responsibility)


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