Is Ken a one-trick pony on traffic? Greens grill Mayor over parking tax refusal

“Congestion charging has been a big success but the Mayor is in danger of becoming a one-trick pony. We still need to drastically reduce traffic levels in London. A workplace parking levy would help discourage unnecessary car use, as well as raising over £80m per year for public transport improvements,” said Cllr. Darren Johnson, Leader of the Green Party Group in the London Assembly.

It is estimated that a workplace parking scheme could raise around £80m per year which would be ploughed back into better public transport and improvements for cyclists and pedestrians. Nottingham City Council is already preparing to introduce such a scheme.

“If they can have it in Nottingham, we can have it in London. It is foolish of the mayor to rule out parking levies. Official figures show that 1,600 people die prematurely and 1,500 are admitted to hospital every year in London because of air pollution. We urgently need to reduce traffic levels and clean up the capital,” concluded Darren.


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