Is Olympic bid best use of public money? ask Greens

The Assembly is acting unwisely and prematurely in giving unconditional support now to the Olympics Bid, according to the Greens.

“When Barbara Cassani, Chair of the Olympic Bid Company, spoke to the London Assembly on 15 October, there was little indication that she is working to the best environmental standards and was far from being able to give the kind of guarantees we are looking for”, said Noel Lynch, Green Party Member in the London Assembly.

“It will cost £17 million just to bid for the Olympics, even if we are not successful. At the current time that money would be much better spent on improving housing and transport and creating jobs in East London,” added Cllr. Darren Johnson, Leader of the Greens in the London Assembly.



The London Assembly Report on the London Olympics Bid will be voted on at the Assembly meeting to be held on 12 November.

Greens are seeking a London Olympics Games which is a showcase for environmental excellence. They are lobbying for an event which includes the following features:· Carbon neutral and produces no net emissions of climate change gases· New facilities are wholly powered by renewable energy· Zero waste through 100% reuse, recycling and composting· Use of environmentally sustainable products, produced as locally as possible · A Green Grid of green spaces and routeways to be the foundation of the Olympics’ land use masterplan· Enforceable mechanisms to ensure local people and businesses benefit from jobs and contracts· Lasting legacy of sports facilities for community use, which support grass roots participation· All transport for spectators to be by public transport, walking or cycling, backed by no spectator car parking except for disabled· Safe cycle links to all Olympic venues and an easy to use bike hire scheme for visitors.


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