Brown’s Green tax does not go far enough

Greens are renewing their call for a congestion charge for air traffic to tackle pollution, noise and other hidden health concerns that result from aviation.

“At last, Gordon Brown is beginning to see the benefits of aviation taxes. But in the era of the cheap flights boom increasing air passenger duty to £10 on economy tickets is simply not enough. The point of green taxes is to change patterns of consumption, not merely to fill treasury coffers. Given that aviation is the fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions it should not be possible to fly anywhere for less than a hundred and fifty quid,” said Cllr Darren Johnson AM, Leader of the Greens in the London Assembly.

“Just as the current Mayor has introduced charges for road users, we also need a congestion charge for air traffic.

Greens are telling the aviation industry to pay its way and cough up for the hidden health risks, noise misery and environmental damage it causes. Only then will there be a serious incentive to stem the sustainable growth in air traffic.”



The ‘hidden’ costs of climate charge, and of the other negative impacts of the UK aviation industry, are estimated at £3.8 billion a year, 26% of the total for the whole of European Union. Heathrow’s share is estimated at almost £520 a year.

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