Greens armed to the teeth against fluoride proposals

On 8th September, Parliament will vote on a new law that could lead to the fluoridation of all Britain’s water supplies.

Consumer and campaigners across the country believe that fluoridation is a serious and unnecessary health risk and strikes at our civil liberties. Noel Lynch has taken up the fight against this proposal.

“Surely forcing consumers to take medication against their will breaches long standing medical ethics. Londoners should have the right to refuse unwanted medication. Especially when this medication carries unknown health risks and is of questionable value,” declared Noel.

"Fluoridation carries significant health risks that have been played down by the Government. Fluoride has been linked with a wide range of medical problems including thyroid trouble, brittle bones, irritable bowel syndrome and cancer, " Noel continued.

"As well as general health concerns, there is a growing worldwide uncertainty about whether fluoridation reduces tooth decay or not. Ireland is Europe’s most fluoridated country, but doesn’t have Europe’s best teeth. While the trend in the world is to stop putting fluoride in drinking water, the Government is taking us backward. France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Denmark and Holland have all rejected mass water fluoridation," said Noel.

The campaigning National Pure Water Association describes fluoride as a pollutant. The chemical involved – hexafluorosilicic acid – has never been safety-tested for human consumption and is a toxic waste product. Fluorosilicates are listed under the 1972 Poisons Act. It’s more toxic than lead. It’s illegal to dump this substance at sea. Yet this is what the Government, and some MPs want to put in our drinking water.

“It is not the job of water companies to convey mass medication to their customers. This is bizarre logic, akin to demanding that aspirin be added to our drinking water because some people need their blood thinned to reduce the risk of heart attack and strokes.

We all know tooth decay is caused by poor dental hygiene and eating too much refined sugar. Enforced fluoridation does nothing whatsoever to address either of these problems. It really is obvious that education is the key to improving dental health,” Noel concluded.


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