Pot or not? Green Party drugs man appeals

?He was jailed on Monday for six weeks for cultivating 19 cannabis plants in the basement of his Lambeth home. Shane has been released pending his appeal on Monday 4 August at 10.30am at Inner London Crown Court.

“I can’t comment on the case with my appeal hearing today. But I do look forward to the day when drugs law is reformed, when this country will have taken a step forward to freedom and a very practical and positive step in reducing drugs-related crime”, declared Shane.

Jenny Jones, Green Deputy Mayor of London said, “A prison sentence was inappropriate and Brixton Prison, one of the two worst in the country, was particularly so. The circumstances of Shane’s arrest sounds like a dangerous U-turn in Government thinking on the issue of cannabis legal reform.”

Shane Collins is widely regarded as a strong advocate of liberalisation of Britain’s drugs policy. The Green Party believes that the Home Secretary should be following the lead of forward-thinking Brian Paddick, Lambeth’s ex-borough police commander.

Shane Collins, 41, is the licensee of the 6th Annual Cannabis Festival planned for 1 May 2004.



1. Shane’s appeal is on Monday 4 August at 10.30am at Inner London Crown Court, Sessions House, Newington Causeway, London SE1 6AZ Telephone 020 7234 3100

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