Londoners left out of GM food debate, warns leading Green

He is calling for public meetings on genetically modified food in London before 18 July, the closing date of the public debate. Noel has urged Mayor Livingstone to act to ensure Londoners’ voices are heard.

“This is an important issue for Londoners, especially as London has 500 farms, covering a tenth of its area. Not only that, the size of London’s population means we are major consumers who are strongly affected by both Britain’s and Europe’s food production and import policies.”

Noel is disappointed that central government has organised so few public meetings to discuss GM food. He believes the issue to be so important that London’s government should fill the gap, even at such short notice.

He has brought the matter to the attention of Mayor Livingstone and is demanding that at the very least, the Greater London Authority should run a service on their website to publicise any meetings that are taking place in London. There is currently no good way for the public to find out what is being organised across London.


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