Time to tackle modern slave trade says new Green deputy Mayor

She is alarmed at the plight of vulnerable women from abroad being illegally brought into London to work in the sex trade. Jenny is also outraged by the shameful lack of action in supporting the victims of this modern slave trade.

“The UK government still sees trafficking of women an immigration issue when it is really about human rights," said Jenny.

Criminal gangs often use coercion and deception to bring women to London illegally. Trafficking of people is now estimated to earn as much money for criminal syndicates as the global narcotics trade.

“The government’s pilot project offering support to victims is limited by inappropriate criteria that mean the women who need our help are not getting it,” Jenny declared.

“We need to pay attention to the European Union guidelines and start offering the support services these women need, which will also help us put away the real criminals who are making money from these women’s misery.”

The UK government has refused to sign up to the EU directive, which would see member states offering short-term residency and support services to victims of trafficking, citing its obsession with controlling immigration as a reason.

Countries like Belgium, Italy and Netherlands already have many of these provisions in place and are doing better at prosecuting and convicting the criminals profiteering from this human slavery. States with higher conviction rates are the ones that have protection and support mechanisms, including residency permits, available to victims.

A new law on “trafficking into the UK for sexual exploitation” is only just being introduced in the Sex Offences Bill .


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