Greens make themselves heard on Noise Action Day

600,000 people live under the Heathrow flight paths and the increase in air traffic mean that more people across London and the Thames Valley are affected by aircraft noise and pollution.

Cllr. Darren Johnson AM, Leader of the Green Party Group in the London Assembly, commented, “Aircraft noise is making many people’s lives a misery. The aviation industry must pay its way for the environmental damage it causes. Only then will there be a serious incentive to stem the unsustainable growth in air traffic. This would really benefit London residents who suffer from the noise and environmental problems caused by flights at Heathrow."

Greens are calling for a package of measures to be introduced including:

– An Air Traffic Congestion Charge
– A ban on night flights
– A complete halt to airport expansion and new runways
– A tax on aviation fuel.

The Greens point out that the aviation industry incurs many costs for which society as a whole picks up the tab, such as the worldwide cost of dealing with global warming and the healthcare costs arising from air and noise pollution.

Heathrow’s share of the hidden costs is estimated at almost £520 million a year. Greens want to see this recouped through taxation policies. Although international agreements prevent us from applying taxes to aviation fuel, we can have a similar effect through introducing an air traffic congestion charge.


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