Residents should recommend route, say Greens in tram debate

Speaking at a Camberwell Society meeting, Jenny said, “These poorer areas of South London desperately need better public transport connections. The expansion of the bus system has been great, but this success can only take us so far.

It won’t be long before bus jams replace traffic jams and that is why we need trams. If we want our streets to be cleaner and greener, then trams provide a modern, reliable and accessible solution.”

The tram will provide a fast, reliable and non-polluting connection between either Peckham or Camberwell to the West End and Camden. However, the route still isn’t fixed and there is currently a choice of routes between Peckham and Camberwell.

There are fears that if Ealing residents reject the West London tram proposal, then the Cross River tram will be dropped as well. Greens are encouraged by the enthusiasm of South West London residents who have used the Croydon tram and now want it extended to their area.


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