As Mayor issues State of the Environment Report, Greens respond with State of Ken Report

The Greens have scored Ken out of ten for his performance in each of his key areas of responsibility, awarding him an overall Green rating of 5 and a half.

The Mayor’s State of the Environment Report, which looks at and measures key aspects of London’s environmental performance, is due to be launched on Monday 19th May.

Commenting on Livingstone’s performance, Cllr. Darren Johnson AM, the Green Party’s candidate for London Mayor said, “Livingstone gets 5 ½ out of 10 for his performance as Mayor. Greens have welcomed the Mayor’s commitment to congestion charging and affordable housing. However, on other issues such as road building and airport expansion, the Mayor is on completely the wrong track.”

The Greens’ “State of Ken Report”

Transport: Green rating 7
The current Mayor has done a fantastic job in getting the congestion charge up and running but Greens are deeply disappointed that he is pushing ahead with plans for new road river crossings in East London, in spite of pre-election promises to oppose them.

London Plan: Green rating 3
The Mayor’s overall vision for London in the shape of his London Plan is deeply flawed. It sees London’s future as a corporate world city, almost wholly dependent on the financial services sector. The promised new jobs are likely to attract even more commuters into London rather than benefiting those Londoners currently deprived of jobs and opportunities.

Economic Development: Green rating 5
Livingstone pledged to create 10,000 green jobs by 2005 but has admitted that only 2,000 such jobs are in the pipeline by the end of his mayoral term in 2004.

Noise: Green rating 5
The Greens have welcomed the Mayor’s financial backing for campaigners who went to court seeking to ban night flights because of the noise nuisance. However, Greens are deeply disappointed that Ken Livingstone is supporting Government proposals for new runways at Gatwick and/or Stansted.

Biodiversity: Green rating 6
In spite of pledges to protect green space the Mayor has not always lived up to his promises. He has refused to designate the whole of Erith Marshes (Bexley) as a protected site, leading to the loss of green space the size of 45 football pitches.

Waste: Green rating 5
Although favouring more recycling, Ken Livingstone has rejected the Greens’ proposal for a Zero Waste Strategy for London. Greens want London to follow the lead of other cities around the world (and Bath and North East Somerset Council in Britain) by adopting an ambitious Zero Waste Strategy.

Energy: Green rating 8
Mayor Livingstone’s Energy Strategy contains many radical and far-reaching proposals to tackle climate change and promote renewable energy.
However, the Mayor’s transport policies include traffic generating policies like road building and he has failed to deliver on traffic reduction measures like promoting cycling, safe routes to school and walking.

Air Quality: Green rating 5
Greens welcome the Mayor’s commitment to making buses and taxis cleaner and greener. However, the Greens are outraged that the Mayor has dropped his traffic reduction manifesto pledge.

Culture: Green rating 5
Greens welcome the commitment to ethnic minority events in the Capital, but argue that the Mayor has placed too much emphasis on big sporting events, such as the Olympics. The Mayor has not done enough to promote sport and recreational facilities at a community level.

Overall Green rating of 5 ½ out of 10



The publication of the Mayor’s State of the Environment is a legal obligation under the Greater London Authority Act.

Further details and to arrange interviews with Darren Johnson contact:

Keith Magnum 07739 968 825 (NB: new mobile number)

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