London Mayor launches public attack on Greens

But Cllr. Darren Johnson AM countered, "Ken is wrong to say the policy choices are between his own and the Tories. The real choice in London, as elsewhere, is between the sustainability agenda of the Greens Party Group and the unsustainable agenda of the others."

Darren continued, "When Ken Livingstone supports new roadbuilding, airport expansions, and over-dependency on the finance sector, naturally the Greens will point out that many key Livingstone policies are also Tory policies."

London Mayor Livingstone attacked the Green Party Group in a feature article in today’s Morning Star, over Green assertions that some of the mayor’s agenda "has a ring of Thatcherism to it."

Darren, who was singled out for a personal battering by Mayor Livingstone, commented: "Ken’s overall strategic vision for London is deeply flawed and not at all Green. Of course he’s going to face strong Green criticism for that."

Darren concluded: "Ken has already intervened in Labour’s selection process to ensure he has a tame Labour opponent in Nicky Gavron. I don’t see why he should have tame Green opponents, too."



1. Despite pre-election promises, Livingstone is pushing for new road river crossings in East London, and is funding new roadbuilding in Croydon.

2. Livingstone is supporting government proposals for new runways at Gatwick and/or Stansted.

3. Of 636,000 new jobs Livingstone projects for London, 454,000 will be in the finance sector.

4. The London Assembly has criticised Livingstone for meeting property developers immediately before taking planning decisions in private. Community groups have enjoyed no such access to the mayor.

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