London Greens launch new website

In the run up to the borough elections on May 2nd, the website will carry news on the Greens’ election campaign as well as the London manifesto and details of all Green candidates. The creation of an ambitious new website reflects the confidence that Greens will be elected to councils in several boroughs on May 2nd.

Tim Turner, External Communications Coordinator for London Green Party comments: "The aim of the site is both to provide information and to allow communication. You will be able to find out what elected Greens in London are doing and you’ll also be able to contact them easily and to provide feedback. We are using an innovative system to assemble information about candidates. In the future, you will be able to find out what Greens are doing in your area – and across London – before you vote for them."

Tim Turner continued: "While the Green Party believes in local and ‘grassroots’ democracy, it has no intention of getting left behind in the information age and will actively make use of technology if it enables greater local and global democracy."


1. There are two existing London-wide Green Party websites:

Jean Lambert, Green MEP:
GLA Green Group:

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